Aggregator Example
For the aggregator present some hierarchy, you have to specify a yaml file with the analyzers.
pub_rate: 2.0
type: diagnostic_aggregator/StatusAnalyzer
path: Sensors
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Leaks
contains: Leaks
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Pressure
contains: Pressure
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Temperature
contains: Temperature
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: IMU
contains: IMU
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: GPS
contains: GPS
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Altimeter
contains: Altimeter
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: DepthCell
contains: DepthCell
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: DVL
contains: DVL
type: diagnostic_aggregator/StatusAnalyzer
path: Actuators
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Thruster0
contains: Thruster0
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Thruster1
contains: Thruster1
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Thruster3
contains: Thruster3
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Thruster2
contains: Thruster2
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Thruster4
contains: Thruster4
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Thruster5
contains: Thruster5
type: diagnostic_aggregator/StatusAnalyzer
path: Power System
type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
path: Batmonit
contains: Batmonit
This yaml file can have 3 parameters:
- The pub_rate which is the frequency at which the aggregator publishes to the /diagnostics_agg topic.
- The base_path (and a secret one, path) which adds an additional root level in the hierarchy (e.g. /MyRobot/Sensors/IMU/…). But it’s useless, since there can only be one aggregator in the system, and so the separation between different robots cannot happen at this level. Thus, you can simply ignore it!
- The analyzers which is a list of… you guessed it, analyzers. The analyzers have a type, a name (a.k.a. path), and several options for matching criteria. The type can be GenericAnalyzer which does a grouping of status items based on their name or StatusAnalyzer which does a categorization of analyzers (e.g. Sensors/..., Actuators/..., Power System/...).
Now, comes the interesting part. What if we want to react to an error? We’ll have to write an analyzer that does this. But we won’t just write an analyzer. Since the categorization offered by the default analyzers is always relevant, we’ll extend the generic or group analyzers so that we maintain their functionality. The analyzers have two methods that can be of interest:
- The analyze method which can be useful for processing the data of a status message before we store it.
- The report method which can be used to make a decision based on the status messages to be reported by the analyzer.
In the accompanying code, there are two analyzers. One is based on the GroupAnalyzer and the other is based on the GenericAnalyzer. They both rely on the report method. They look at the reported statuses by their parent class and they publish a message if a condition is met. The StatusAnalyzer finds a group (/Sensors, /Actuator, or Power System) status and reacts when its level transitions from OK to something else. The GenericAnalyzer is the default one, but you can have specific ones for your needs. Any required parameters are provided in the yaml file.
Extending an analyzer
First make a analyzer_plugins.xml file, like the following:
<library path="lib/libstatus_aggregator_analyzers">
<class name="diagnostic_aggregator/StatusAnalyzer" type="diagnostic_aggregator::StatusAnalyzer" base_class_type="diagnostic_aggregator::Analyzer">
StatusAnalyzer is a diagnostic analyzer for a group of devices (sensors, actuators, power system).
In the include file (include/status_aggregator_ros/StatusAnalyzer.h) you should inherit the base class AnalyzerGroup and override the methods init() and report():
class StatusAnalyzer : public AnalyzerGroup {
bool init(const std::string base_path, const ros::NodeHandle &n) override;
std::vector<diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatusPtr> report() override;
In the cpp file (src/status_aggregator_ros/StatusAnalyzer.cpp) change the methods accordingly your needs.