Install Guide

1. Ubuntu and ROS installation: 1. Install Ubuntu 20.04LTS ( 2. Install ROS 1 Noetic ( 3. Add the following Functions and Alias to your .bashrc file, to make development easier 🤓

1.  Create a file to store the latest catkin workspace (if it does not exist) and put in the first line the default name, i.e. catkin_ws
    if [ ! -f ~/.catkin_ws_config ]; then touch ~/.catkin_ws_config && echo catkin_ws > ~/.catkin_ws_config ;fi
2. Set the variable CATKIN_PACKAGE with the workspace in the catkin_ws_config file
    export CATKIN_PACKAGE=$(head -n 1 ~/.catkin_ws_config)
3. Function to update the default catkin workspace variable and store the last setting in the file
    set_catkin_ws_function() {
        #set CATKIN_PACKAGE according the an input parameter
        export CATKIN_PACKAGE=catkin_ws_$1

        # save into a hidden file the catkin workspace setting
        echo $CATKIN_PACKAGE > ~/.catkin_ws_config
        source ~/.bashrc
4. This is required (to source the ROS and medusa files)
    source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
    export CATKIN_ROOT=${HOME}/<path_to_workspace>
    export MEDUSA_SCRIPTS=$(find ${ROS_WORKSPACE}/src/ -type d -iname medusa_scripts | head -n 1)
    source ${MEDUSA_SCRIPTS}/medusa_easy_alias/medusa_permanent_alias/

NOTE: replace /<path_to_workspace> with the folder where you put you catkin_ws inside (for example /dsor). If you put in your home folder, then this variable should be left empty!

  1. Create a catkin_ws directory

2. Downloading the repository:

Start by cloning the repository with git clone --recursive

If the repository was cloned non-recursively previously, use git submodule update --init to clone the necessary submodules.

3. Configuring the dependencies: Run the installation bash script using


Last update: May 30, 2022
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