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gnss2utmoutlier Node

In a nutshell

This node converts data in WGS84 from sensor_msgs::NavSatFix to UTM NED farol_msgs::Measurement format, just like the gnss2utm node, but creating gps outliers at the same time.


Gnss2UtmOutlier Diagram


Subscribers msgs type Purpose
/#vehicle#/sensor/gnss sensor_msgs/NavSatFix GNSS information from mounted sensors


Publishers msgs type Purpose
/#vehicle#/measurement/positions dsor_msgs/Measurement Measurement message of vehicles position estimated acquired by the sensors


Services msgs type Purpose
/#vehicle#/sensor/fake/enable_gps_outlier std_srvs/SetBool Service to enable the gps outlier creation functionality
/#vehicle#/sensor/fake/enable_usbl_delay std_srvs/SetBool Service to enable delay while using acoustic usbl sensors


Parameters type Default Purpose
/#vehicle#/node_frequency float 10.0 Working frequency of the node

Last update: November 8, 2022