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FAROL Useful alias


Set of useful aliases to facilitate the use of FAROL stack. Also sources some bash scripts to make your life easier in terminal, please see FAROL bash scripts.

Note: You can add your own personal alias, by creating/placing a ${HOSTNAME} file in the following folder inside your catkin workspace:

source ${ROS_WORKSPACE}/src/medusa_addons/medusa_scripts/system_configurations/medusa_personal_alias/${HOSTNAME}

This part basically checks if a file with your hostname -> ${HOSTNAME} exists at the folder medusa_personal_alias. So if you want to add some personal alias do the following:

Imagine that your hostname is awesome

At the mentioned folder create the following file:

After this edit with your editor of choice and add as many alias as you want.

The content of the can be something like this:

alias mvehicle1='ssh name@vehicleHostname1'  
alias mvehicle2='ssh name@vehicleHostname2'  
alias mvehicle3='ssh name@vehicleHostname3'  
alias mvehicle4='ssh name@vehicleHostname4'  
alias mvehicle5='ssh name@vehicleHostname5'  

Relevant of aliases

alias command purpose
kill_all_ros_nodes sudo pkill -f ros kill all ros nodes
rviz rosrun rviz rviz open rviz
tf_view_frames cd /var/tmp && rosrun tf2_tools && evince frames.pdf & view tf frames
clean_ros_logs rosclean purge -y clean ros logs
farol_cb roscd; catkin build; cd $OLDPWD build the entire catkin workspace (you need to be somewhere inside your catkin workspace)
farol_cbt catkin build --this build one pkg (you need to be somewhere inside your ros pkg)
farol_cb_vim roscd; bash ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_scripts_for_bash/farol_build_vim.bash same as farol_cb but for vim users using coc
cap pygmentize -g replace cat with python-pygments to cat with colors
.. cd .. && ls going back one directory and showing files convenient alias
m wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,maximized_vert,maximized_horz toggle terminal from restored to maximized
poweroff sudo shutdown -h now shutdown pc
pcdown sudo shutdown -P now different way to shutdown pc
pcrestart sudo shutdown -r now restart pc
please_fiic sudo $(history -p !!)' # run last command as sudo sudo last command
S source ${HOME}/.bashrc source bashrc
remove_endline_spaces sed -i 's/\s*$//' remove automatically spaces at the end of files, needs the file as argument at the end, i.e. remove_spaces my_file.txt
clean_temp_files find . -name "*~" -type f -exec /bin/rm -fv -- {} + to clean temp files *.~ recursively
farol_change_inners_gains bash ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_scripts_for_bash/change_inner_forces_gains.bash executes a bash scripts that calls a service to change inner loops gains
farol_change_pfollowing_gains bash ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_scripts_for_bash/change_pfollowing_gains.bash executes a bash scripts that calls a service to change outer loops gains
farol_pkg_cpp source ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_new_packages_scripts/ new package c++
farol_pkg_py source ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_new_packages_scripts/ new package python
farol_pkg_meta source ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_new_packages_scripts/ new metapackage
dsor_pkg_bringup source ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_create_bringup_scripts/ new custom bringup package
dsor_add_vehicle_bringup source ${FAROL_SCRIPTS}/farol_create_bringup_scripts/ add new vehicle to custom bringup packag
mgit_pull git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive pull and update submodules
mgit_status git status && git submodule status --recursive Get the status of the repository and the version of the submodules
mgit_push_tag git push origin --tags Push the local tags to the remote repository
mgit_describe git describe Get a general description of the repository
mgit_log git log Get the git log with commits

Last update: November 4, 2022