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farol_msgs/Section Message

Raw Message Definition

# Farol Path Section Type Message   

# Hader information  
Header Header  
# All other points are relative to this  
float64 xrefpoint  
float64 yrefpoint  

# Starting point  
float64 xs            # start  
float64 ys  

# Center point  
float64 xc            # center  
float64 yc  

# End point  
float64 xe            # end  
float64 ye  

# Desired velocity  
float64 Vl              

# Direction of the arc  
float64 direction       
# Radius of the arc  
float64 R0  

# Gamma start  
float64 Gamma_s  
# Gamma end  
float64 Gamma_e  

Compact Message Definition

std_msgs/Header Header  
float64 xrefpoint  
float64 yrefpoint  
float64 xs  
float64 ys  
float64 xc  
float64 yc  
float64 xe  
float64 ye  
float64 Vl  
float64 direction  
float64 R0  
float64 Gamma_s  
float64 Gamma_e  

ROS Community Messages


Last update: October 28, 2022