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dsor_paths Node

This node deals with the rationale previously explained in the dsor_paths documentation. It manages and deploys paths for the vehicles to follow. A detailed exaplanation is offered here:


dsor_paths Diagram


Subscribers msgs type Purpose
/#vehicle#/Gamma std_msgs/Float64 The coordination state of a certain vehicle with respect to others on the network
/#vehicle#/nav/filter/state auv_msgs/NavigationStatus The navigation state of the vehicle after filtering


Publishers msgs type Purpose
/#vehicle#/PathData dsor_paths/PathData Message with the path data on a certain point (curvature, tangent, velocity, etc.)
/#vehicle#/Virtual/State farol_msgs/mState Vehicle state message


Services msgs type Purpose
/#vehicle#/ResetPath dsor_paths/ResetPath Reset the current assigned path
/#vehicle#/SetConstVdRabbit dsor_paths/SetConstSpeed Set a constant speed for the rabbit which a certain vehicle is following
/#vehicle#/SetConstVdVehicle dsor_paths/SetConstSpeed Set a constant speed for the vehicle itself
/#vehicle#/SetMode dsor_paths/SetMode Set if mode of operation calculates closest point to the path or if it receives an external gamma for path progression
/#vehicle#/SpawnArc2DPath dsor_paths/SpawnArc2D Create a 2D circumference arc path
/#vehicle#/SpawnBernoulliPath dsor_paths/SpawnBernoulli Create a Bernoulli path
/#vehicle#/SpawnCircle2DPath dsor_paths/SpawnCircle2D Create a 2D Circle path
/#vehicle#/SpawnLineDPath dsor_paths/SpawnLine Create a Line path


Parameters type Default Purpose
/#vehicle#/frame_id string Path_frame ID assigned to the path frame
/#vehicle#/node_frequency float 10.0 Working frequency of the node

Last update: November 23, 2022