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cpf_control Node

In a nutshell

This node adds a cooperative layer to an already set PF algorithm. The communications are managed within the scope of farol_comms, in cpf_gamma for a standard WiFi connection.


cpf_control Diagram


Subscribers msg type Purpose
/#vehicle#/External/Gamma farol_msgs/CPFGamma Gamma from other vehicles coming from the CPF server
/#vehicle#/PathData dsor_paths/PathData Path variables given by a certain gamma related vehicle state


Publishers msg type Purpose
/#vehicle#/PF/vc std_msgs/Float64 Velocity correction calculated by the CPF algorithm
/#vehicle#/Internal/Gamma farol_msgs/CPFGamma Gamma from current vehicle to be disseminated by the CPF client


Services msg type Purpose
/#vehicle#/CPFStart cpf_control/StartStop Start the CPF service
/#vehicle#/CPFStop cpf_control/StartStop Stop the CPF service
/#vehicle#/CPFChangeTopology cpf_control/ChangeTopology Change the topology of the CPF network


General Parameters

Parameters type Default Purpose
node_frequency float 10.0 Working frequency of the node
ID int 2 Vehicle ID inside the cooperative network
adjacency_matrix array [0, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1, 1,
1, 1, 0, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0]
Matrix used to describe the links between vehicles in the same cooperative network

Event-Triggered Communications Gains

Parameters type Default
c0 float 0.001
c1 float 5.0
alpha float 1.0
k_epsilon float 1.0

Last update: November 23, 2022