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console_path_parser Node

In a nutshell

Parse a string mission from a web interface (PONTE) to dsor_paths node that will interact with path following algorithms.

Note: The important action in this node is to call the services of dsor_paths node to build the path of the mission and start the execution of the path following control via service. Since this is a legacy component of the stack please kindly ignore many of the Subscribers and Publishers because they are not being used at this stage of the stack.


console_path_parser Diagram


Subscribers msgs type Purpose
/#vehicle#/State farol_msgs/mState State of the vehicle


Not being used


Services srv type Purpose
"/#vehicle#/ResetPath" dsor_paths/ResetPath Reset the actual path to start a new one
"/#vehicle#/SpawnArc2DPath" dsor_paths/SpawnArc2D Add an arc section to the path
"/#vehicle#/SpawnLinePath" dsor_paths/SpawnLine Add a line section to the path
"/#vehicle#/PFStart" dsor_paths/StartPF Start path following controller
"/#vehicle#/PFStop" dsor_paths/StopPF Stop path following controller
"/#vehicle#/SetConstVdVehicle" dsor_paths/SetConstSpeed Set the desired velocity for each section of the path


Parameters type Default Purpose
/#vehicle#/addons/console_path_parser/path_folder string ../paths_from_console Store the path received from http_server
/#vehicle#/addons/vehicle_id int [1-3] IDs of the medusas: 1 - mred, 2 - mblack, 3 - mvector

Last update: October 28, 2022