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Abstract class to serve as the base for speed as a function of gamma. More...

#include <Speed.h>

Inherited by ConstRabbitSpeed, ConstVehicleSpeed

Public Functions

virtual double getVd(double gamma, double tangent_norm) =0
Method to get the desired velocity for the virtual target on the path given the path parameter (given by the value of gamma)
virtual double get_d_Vd(double gamma, double tangent_norm) =0
Method to get the desired acceleration for the virtual target on the path given the path parameter (given by the value of gamma)
virtual double getDefaultVd(double gamma, double tangent_norm) =0
Method to get the default desired velocity for safety when we are doing path following and want to have a backup value.
virtual ~Speed()
Virtual destructor for the abstract class.

Detailed Description

class Speed;

Abstract class to serve as the base for speed as a function of gamma.


  • Marcelo Jacinto
  • Joao Quintas
  • Joao Cruz
  • Hung Tuan

Version: 1.0a

Date: 2021

Copyright: MIT

Since this class is abstract it cannot be instantiated. It must be inherited.

Public Functions Documentation

function getVd

virtual double getVd(
    double gamma,
    double tangent_norm
) =0

Method to get the desired velocity for the virtual target on the path given the path parameter (given by the value of gamma)


  • gamma The path parameter
  • tangent_norm The norm of the tangent to the path in gamma

Return: A double with the desired speed

Reimplemented by: ConstRabbitSpeed::getVd, ConstVehicleSpeed::getVd

NOTE: This method is pure virtual which means it must be implemented by a class that inherits Speed

function get_d_Vd

virtual double get_d_Vd(
    double gamma,
    double tangent_norm
) =0

Method to get the desired acceleration for the virtual target on the path given the path parameter (given by the value of gamma)


  • gamma The value of the path parameter
  • tangent_norm The norm of the tangent to the path in gamma

Return: A double with the desired acceleration

Reimplemented by: ConstRabbitSpeed::get_d_Vd, ConstVehicleSpeed::get_d_Vd

NOTE: This method is pure virtual which means it must be implemented by a class that inherits Speed

function getDefaultVd

virtual double getDefaultVd(
    double gamma,
    double tangent_norm
) =0

Method to get the default desired velocity for safety when we are doing path following and want to have a backup value.


  • gamma The value of the path parameter
  • tangent_norm The norm of the tangent to the path in gamma

Return: A double with the default desired speed

Reimplemented by: ConstRabbitSpeed::getDefaultVd, ConstVehicleSpeed::getDefaultVd

NOTE: THis method is pura virtual which means it must be implemented by a class that inherits Speed

function ~Speed

virtual ~Speed()

Virtual destructor for the abstract class.

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:47 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024