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The Path class! This class implements all the meethod to get the desired position, derivative, second derivatives, tangent, curvature and derivative norm. More...

#include <Path.h>

Public Functions

The constructor for the path class.
The destructor for the path class. Frees all the memory allocated for each path section inside the vector of section.
bool isEmpty()
Method to check wether the path contains path sections or not.
bool addPathSection(PathSection * path_section)
Method to add a path section to the path.
bool addSpeedSection(Speed * speed_section)
* Method to add a speed section to the path
std::tuple< PathSection *, double > getPathSection(double gamma)
Method to get the path section corresponding to a given gamma.
std::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > eq_pd(double gamma)
* Method to retrieve the position in the path given the path parameter gamma
std::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > eq_d_pd(double gamma)
* Method to retrieve the derivative of the position in the path given the path parameter gamma
std::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > eq_dd_pd(double gamma)
* Method to retrieve the second derivative of the position in the path given the path parameter gamma
std::optional< double > tangent(double gamma)
* Get the tangent to the path, given the gamma parameter
std::optional< double > curvature(double gamma)
* The curvature of the path, given the gamma parameter
std::optional< double > derivative_norm(double gamma)
* The norm of the derivative of the path
std::optional< double > eq_vd(double gamma)
Method to get the desired speed profile for a particular part of the path given the path parameter gamma.
std::optional< double > eq_d_vd(double gamma)
Method to get the desired acceleration profile for a paritcular part of the path given the path parameter.
std::pair< double, double > getMinMaxGamma()
Method to retrieve the minimum and maximum gamma values allowed for the current path.
std::optional< double > getClosestGamma(Eigen::Vector3d & coordinate)
Method to get the gamma corresponding to the closest point on the path, relative to the coordinate passed as argument.

Public Attributes

std::vector< PathSection * > sections_
List of PathSections to follow.

Detailed Description

class Path;

The Path class! This class implements all the meethod to get the desired position, derivative, second derivatives, tangent, curvature and derivative norm.


  • Marcelo Jacinto
  • Joao Quintas
  • Joao Cruz
  • Hung Tuan

Version: 1.0a

Date: 2021

Copyright: MIT

This class stores a list of sections, and switches between sections based on the gamma value passed to the functions

This class has the option to have a single section (for example, appropriate for a Bernoulli) and the option to have multiple section (for example, lines and arcs to make lawnmowers)

Public Functions Documentation

function Path


The constructor for the path class.

function ~Path


The destructor for the path class. Frees all the memory allocated for each path section inside the vector of section.

Destructor for the Path object. Deletes the memory allocated for each path section inside the vector of sections.

function isEmpty

bool isEmpty()

Method to check wether the path contains path sections or not.

Return: A boolean true if the path contains path sections in the vector

function addPathSection

bool addPathSection(
    PathSection * path_section

Method to add a path section to the path.


Return: true if path was added with success or false if not

function addSpeedSection

bool addSpeedSection(
    Speed * speed_section
  • Method to add a speed section to the path


Return: true if the speed was added with success or false if not

function getPathSection

std::tuple< PathSection *, double > getPathSection(
    double gamma

Method to get the path section corresponding to a given gamma.


  • gamma - A double with the path parameter

Return: The PathSection object corresponding to the given gamma and the internal gamma corresponding to that path section

function eq_pd

std::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > eq_pd(
    double gamma
  • Method to retrieve the position in the path given the path parameter gamma


  • gamma - A double with the path parameter

Return: A vector (3x1) with [x(gamma), y(gamma), z(gamma)]

function eq_d_pd

std::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > eq_d_pd(
    double gamma
  • Method to retrieve the derivative of the position in the path given the path parameter gamma


  • gamma - A double with the path parameter

Return: A vector (3x1) with [x_dot(gamma, y_dot(gamma), z_dot(gamma)]

function eq_dd_pd

std::optional< Eigen::Vector3d > eq_dd_pd(
    double gamma
  • Method to retrieve the second derivative of the position in the path given the path parameter gamma


  • gamma - A double with the path parameter

Return: A vector (3x1) with [x_ddot(gamma), y_ddot(gamma), z_ddot(gamma)]

function tangent

std::optional< double > tangent(
    double gamma
  • Get the tangent to the path, given the gamma parameter


  • gamma - A double with the path parameter

Return: A double with the tangent size

function curvature

std::optional< double > curvature(
    double gamma
  • The curvature of the path, given the gamma parameter


  • gamma - A double with the path parameter

Return: A double with the curvature of the path

function derivative_norm

std::optional< double > derivative_norm(
    double gamma
  • The norm of the derivative of the path


  • gamma - A double with the path parameter

Return: A double with the norm of the derivative of the path

function eq_vd

std::optional< double > eq_vd(
    double gamma

Method to get the desired speed profile for a particular part of the path given the path parameter gamma.


  • gamma A double with the path parameter

Return: A double with the value of vd

function eq_d_vd

std::optional< double > eq_d_vd(
    double gamma

Method to get the desired acceleration profile for a paritcular part of the path given the path parameter.


  • gamma A double with the path parameter

Return: A double with the valud of d_vd

function getMinMaxGamma

std::pair< double, double > getMinMaxGamma()

Method to retrieve the minimum and maximum gamma values allowed for the current path.

Return: A pair with 2 doubles with the first being the minimum value and the second the maximum value

Method to return the minimum and maximum value that gamma can achive in the path.

function getClosestGamma

std::optional< double > getClosestGamma(
    Eigen::Vector3d & coordinate

Method to get the gamma corresponding to the closest point on the path, relative to the coordinate passed as argument.


  • coordinate The coordinate of the vehicle

Return: A double with the gamma of the path corresponding to the closest point on the path

Public Attributes Documentation

variable sections_

std::vector< PathSection * > sections_;

List of PathSections to follow.

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:47 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024