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  • class Arc2D
    Class that implements a 2D arc section.
  • class Bernoulli
    Class that implements a 2D Lemniscate of Bernoulli section.
  • class Circle2D
    Class that implements a 2D Circle section.
  • class ConstRabbitSpeed
    Class that implements a constant speed value requirement. This class will receive in its constructor the desired velocity for the speed in the path frame.
  • class ConstVehicleSpeed
    Class that implements a constant speed value requirement. This class will receive in its constructor the desired velocity for the speed in the inertial frame and will implement the corresponding speed in the path frame.
  • class Line
    Class that implements a 3D line section.
  • class Path
    The Path class! This class implements all the meethod to get the desired position, derivative, second derivatives, tangent, curvature and derivative norm.
  • class PathNode
    Implementation of the PathNode. Creates a Path, adds elements to the path and publishes the path data when listening to the path parameter gamma.
  • class PathSection
    An abstract class that is used as a template for Path Sections.
  • class Polinomial5
    Class that implements a 5th order polinomial section.
  • class Polynomial5
    Class that implements a 5th order polynomial section.
  • class Sinusoid2D
    Class that implements a 2D sinusoid section.
  • class Speed
    Abstract class to serve as the base for speed as a function of gamma.

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:47 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024