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This Class estimates the state of the vehicle in the rotational frame. The state includes orientation and angular velocity. The latest state estimate of the filter is obtained using the function computePredict(). Measurement updates to the filter is done using newMeasurement().

#include <RotationalFilter.h>

Public Classes

struct config

Public Functions

Rotational Filter Constructor.
virtual ~RotationalFilter() =default
Rotational Filter Destructor.
void computePredict(auv_msgs::NavigationStatus & state, const ros::Time & t_request)
Progate the state to the time t_request.
void configure(const config configurations)
configure filter program variables and may initializes the filter
void newMeasurement(const FilterGimmicks::measurement & m)
Checks and processes a new measurement.
void resetFilter()
Reset the horizontal filter.

Public Attributes

const int STATE_LEN
double PI

Public Functions Documentation

function RotationalFilter


Rotational Filter Constructor.

function ~RotationalFilter

virtual ~RotationalFilter() =default

Rotational Filter Destructor.

function computePredict

void computePredict(
    auv_msgs::NavigationStatus & state,
    const ros::Time & t_request

Progate the state to the time t_request.


  • state
  • t_request

Note: Why have we used TF here? We want: Rotation of base_link wrt world, i.e. header = world, child = base_link (TFwb). I have: 1. static_tf - Rotation of imu wrt base_link, i.e. header = base_link, child = imu (TFbi); 2. sensor output - Rotation of imu wrt world, i.e. header = world, child = imu (TFwi). Solution: TFwb = TFwi * (TFbi)^-1

function configure

void configure(
    const config configurations

configure filter program variables and may initializes the filter


  • configurations struct to store configurations from yaml file

function newMeasurement

void newMeasurement(
    const FilterGimmicks::measurement & m

Checks and processes a new measurement.


  • m measurement

function resetFilter

void resetFilter()

Reset the horizontal filter.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable STATE_LEN

static const int STATE_LEN = 6;

variable PI

double PI = 3.1415926;

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:49 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024