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Horizontal Filter class. More...

#include <HorizontalFilter.h>

Public Classes

struct config

Public Functions

Contructor Horizontal Filter.
virtual ~HorizontalFilter() =default
Desctructor Horizontal Filter.
bool computePredict(auv_msgs::NavigationStatus & state, const ros::Time & t_request)
Propagate the state to the current time.
void configure(HorizontalFilter::config & configurations)
Configure filter variables and set initialization conditions.
void newMeasurement(FilterGimmicks::measurement & m)
Tranforms the measurement from the sensor frame to the filter world frame. Calls addMeasurement and forwardPropagation methods.
void deleteMeasurementsInBuffer()
Clears all measurements older than a timer period defined in save_meas_interval.
std::vector< double > getExtimateCurrents()
Returns the currents.
void resetFilter()
Reset horizontal filter.

Public Attributes

const static int MEAS_LEN
const static int STATE_LEN

Detailed Description

class HorizontalFilter;

Horizontal Filter class.

Note: This Class estimates the state of the vehicle in the horizontal frame. The state includes position, velocity, acceleration and currents. The latest state estimate of the filter is obtained using the exposed function getEstimate(). Measurement updates to the filter is done either using measCallback() and the latest state estimate is accessed using getEstimate(). Water currents are estimated but the output is not exposed to the user.

Public Functions Documentation

function HorizontalFilter


Contructor Horizontal Filter.

function ~HorizontalFilter

virtual ~HorizontalFilter() =default

Desctructor Horizontal Filter.

function computePredict

bool computePredict(
    auv_msgs::NavigationStatus & state,
    const ros::Time & t_request

Propagate the state to the current time.


  • state State vector
  • t_request current time

Return: Success or Failure

function configure

void configure(
    HorizontalFilter::config & configurations

Configure filter variables and set initialization conditions.


  • configurations

function newMeasurement

void newMeasurement(
    FilterGimmicks::measurement & m

Tranforms the measurement from the sensor frame to the filter world frame. Calls addMeasurement and forwardPropagation methods.


  • msg New measurement

function deleteMeasurementsInBuffer

void deleteMeasurementsInBuffer()

Clears all measurements older than a timer period defined in save_meas_interval.

function getExtimateCurrents

std::vector< double > getExtimateCurrents()

Returns the currents.

Return: x_current, y_current

function resetFilter

void resetFilter()

Reset horizontal filter.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable MEAS_LEN

static const static int MEAS_LEN = 6;

variable STATE_LEN

static const static int STATE_LEN = 8;

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:49 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024