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DeadReckoning class. More...

#include <DeadReckoning.h>

Public Functions

DeadReckoning(ros::NodeHandle * nh, ros::NodeHandle * nh_private)
Contructor DeadReckoning.
Desctructor DeadReckoning.
void computePredict()
Propagate the state to the current time.

Detailed Description

class DeadReckoning;

DeadReckoning class.


  • This node only outputs useful information when dvl is present
  • Every time a new mission is deployed (FLAG=6), the DR is reseted to the current navigation state(x,y)

Public Functions Documentation

function DeadReckoning

    ros::NodeHandle * nh,
    ros::NodeHandle * nh_private

Contructor DeadReckoning.

function ~DeadReckoning


Desctructor DeadReckoning.

function computePredict

void computePredict()

Propagate the state to the current time.

Return: Success or Failure

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:49 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024