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Waypoint controller similar to standard, using surge and yaw (nose of the vehicle points to the desired position). The difference is that this one limits the rate of yaw reference.

#include <wp_loose.h>

Inherits from WaypointController

Public Functions

WpLoose(ros::Publisher surge_pub, ros::Publisher yaw_pub)
virtual ~WpLoose()

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from WaypointController

virtual ~WaypointController()
void setFrequency(const double & f)
Mutator for setting the controller period.
void setGains(const std::vector< double > & gains)
Mutator for updating the gains.
void compute(Vehicle_t state, WPref_t wp_ref, bool turn_radius_flag)
Computes and publishes the output of the controller.

Protected Functions inherited from WaypointController

double getYawOut()
Getter of the yaw reference (output of controller)
double getYawrateOut()
Getter of the yaw rate reference (output of controller)
double getSurgeOut()
Getter of the surge reference (output of controller)
double getSwayOut()
Getter of the sway reference (output of controller)
void setYawOut(const double & value)
Yaw reference setter (output of controller)
void setYawrateOut(const double & value)
Yaw rate reference setter (output of controller)
void setSurgeOut(const double & value)
Surge reference setter (output of controller)
void setSwayOut(const double & value)
Sway reference setter (output of controller)

Protected Attributes inherited from WaypointController

double ts_
std::vector< double > gains_

Public Functions Documentation

function WpLoose

    ros::Publisher surge_pub,
    ros::Publisher yaw_pub

function ~WpLoose

inline virtual ~WpLoose()

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:50 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024