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  • struct Output_t
    Waypoint output struct. Contains orientation and linear and angular velocities. Not everything needs to be used.
  • struct Vehicle_t
    Vehicle state struct. Contains position, orientation and linear and angular velocities.
  • struct WPref_t
    Waypoint reference struct. Contains references for poistion and orientations. Not everything needs to be used.
  • class WaypointController
    Abstract class of a waypoint controller.
  • class WaypointNode
    ROS node class.
  • class WpHeading
    Waypoint controller using surge, surge and yaw rate. Not only can go to waypoint and hold its position but can also maintain heading.
  • class WpLoose
    Waypoint controller similar to standard, using surge and yaw (nose of the vehicle points to the desired position). The difference is that this one limits the rate of yaw reference.
  • class WpStandard
    Waypoint controller using surge and yaw, where the nose of the vehicle points to the desired position.

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:50 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024