Implements a CPF controller using Event triggered communications. More...
#include <EventTriggered.h>
Inherits from CPFControl
Public Functions
Name | |
EventTriggered(Eigen::Matrix< int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > & adjency_matrix, unsigned int vehicle_ID, double k_epsilon, double c0, double c1, double alpha) Constructor for the EventTriggered CPF class. Receive the adjency matrix as a parameter. |
~EventTriggered() The destructor for the EventTriggered class. |
virtual double | coordinationController(double time) override Method to that updated the coordination control law and returns the correction speed vc to be used by the virtual target. |
virtual bool | updateVehiclesInformation(double time, unsigned int ID, double gamma, double vd) override Method to update each individual vehicle information given an int with the ID of the vehicle and the new virtual target value. |
virtual bool | publishCurrentGamma(double time) override Method to inform the user if the current gamma should be published or not This method will update the value of gamma last sent to the network when this method returns true. |
virtual bool | reset() override Method to reset the current CPF controller. |
Protected Functions
Name | |
void | predictVehicleEstimator(unsigned int ID, double time) Method to estimate the current gamma of a vehicle represented by ID. |
Additional inherited members
Public Functions inherited from CPFControl
Name | |
Eigen::MatrixXi | getAdjencyMatrix() Method to get the Adjency Matrix that represents the network topology. |
Eigen::VectorXi | getNeighbors() Method to get a vector with the neighbors of the current vehicle. |
bool | updateAdjencyMatrix(Eigen::Matrix< int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > & adjency_matrix) Method to update the Adjency Matrix that represents the network topology. |
unsigned int | getNetworkSize() Method to get the number of vehicles used in the network. |
unsigned int | getCurrentVehicleID() Method to get the current vehicle ID in the network. |
virtual | ~CPFControl() Virtual destructor for the abstract class. |
Protected Functions inherited from CPFControl
Name | |
CPFControl(Eigen::Matrix< int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > & adjency_matrix, unsigned int vehicle_ID) Constructor for the abstract class. Receive the adjency matrix as a parameter. |
Detailed Description
class EventTriggered;
Implements a CPF controller using Event triggered communications.
- Marcelo Jacinto
- Joao Quintas
- Joao Cruz
- Hung Tuan
Version: 1.0a
Date: 2021
Copyright: GPLv3
Public Functions Documentation
function EventTriggered
Eigen::Matrix< int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > & adjency_matrix,
unsigned int vehicle_ID,
double k_epsilon,
double c0,
double c1,
double alpha
Constructor for the EventTriggered CPF class. Receive the adjency matrix as a parameter.
- adjency_matrix An Eigen adjency matrix
- vehicle_ID An unsigned int with the ID of this particular vehicle
- k_epsilon The gain for the correction control law
- c0 The gain for the event trigger threshold
- c1 The gain for the event trigger threshold
- alpha The gian for the event trigger threshold
function ~EventTriggered
The destructor for the EventTriggered class.
Destructor for the EventTriggered class.
function coordinationController
virtual double coordinationController(
double time
) override
Method to that updated the coordination control law and returns the correction speed vc to be used by the virtual target.
- time An int with the current time expressed in seconds
Return: A double with the speed correction term vc
Reimplements: CPFControl::coordinationController
function updateVehiclesInformation
virtual bool updateVehiclesInformation(
double time,
unsigned int ID,
double gamma,
double vd
) override
Method to update each individual vehicle information given an int with the ID of the vehicle and the new virtual target value.
- time An int with the current time expressed in seconds
- ID An int with the ID of the vehicle which to update information
- gamma A double with the new information of the virtual target position
- vd A double with the desired velocity of the virtual target of that particular vehicle
Return: A boolean with the information whether the information was used with success or not
Reimplements: CPFControl::updateVehiclesInformation
function publishCurrentGamma
virtual bool publishCurrentGamma(
double time
) override
Method to inform the user if the current gamma should be published or not This method will update the value of gamma last sent to the network when this method returns true.
- time The current time expressed in seconds
Return: A boolean that is true if the current gamma should be published
Reimplements: CPFControl::publishCurrentGamma
Method to inform the user if the current gamma should be published or not.
function reset
virtual bool reset() override
Method to reset the current CPF controller.
Return: A boolean whether it was reset correctly or not
Reimplements: CPFControl::reset
Protected Functions Documentation
function predictVehicleEstimator
void predictVehicleEstimator(
unsigned int ID,
double time
Method to estimate the current gamma of a vehicle represented by ID.
- ID The ID of the vehicle to update the prediction
- time The current time expressed in seconds
Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:48 +0000