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Contains Section variables for path followin algorithms. More...

#include <Section.h>

Public Functions


Public Attributes

int type
1= WP; 2=Line; 3=Arc; 4=Depth
double xi
initial x of section
double yi
initial y of section
double xc
x of center of arc (-1 if line or point)
double yc
y of center of arc (-1 if line or point)
double xe
ending x of section
double ye
ending y of section
float velocity
velocity desired of the vehicle
int adirection
-1 if vehicle is turning clockwise, -1 otherwise (only applied to arcs)
float radius
adius of the arc
float heading
yaw of the vehicle
float time
only used for point, depth and alt, time to use the reference
int nVehicle
number of the vehicle (possible id)
double gamma_s
Starting gamma (not normalized)
double gamma_e
Ending gamma (not normalized)
float depth
Depth of the section.

Detailed Description

class Section;

Contains Section variables for path followin algorithms.

Note: nVehicle is always -1, probably not being used

Public Functions Documentation

function Section

inline Section()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable type

int type;

1= WP; 2=Line; 3=Arc; 4=Depth

variable xi

double xi;

initial x of section

variable yi

double yi;

initial y of section

variable xc

double xc;

x of center of arc (-1 if line or point)

variable yc

double yc;

y of center of arc (-1 if line or point)

variable xe

double xe;

ending x of section

variable ye

double ye;

ending y of section

variable velocity

float velocity;

velocity desired of the vehicle

variable adirection

int adirection;

-1 if vehicle is turning clockwise, -1 otherwise (only applied to arcs)

variable radius

float radius;

adius of the arc

variable heading

float heading;

yaw of the vehicle

variable time

float time;

only used for point, depth and alt, time to use the reference

variable nVehicle

int nVehicle;

number of the vehicle (possible id)

variable gamma_s

double gamma_s;

Starting gamma (not normalized)

variable gamma_e

double gamma_e;

Ending gamma (not normalized)

variable depth

float depth;

Depth of the section.

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:51 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024