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Class Responsible for parsing a mission from the console Yebisu to farol_vx stack format.

#include <ConsolePathParserNode.h>

Public Functions

ConsolePathParserNode(ros::NodeHandle * nodehandle, ros::NodeHandle * nodehandle_private)
Construct a new Console Path Parser Node object.
Destroy the Console Path Parser Node object.
double nodeFrequency()
Method to setup the frequency of the node.

Public Attributes

std::list< Section > mission
std::list< Formation > formation
std::list< Section >::iterator act_section
farol_msgs::Section section_copy
ros::Time depth_end
int own_id
double xrefpoint
double yrefpoint
double gamma_s
double gamma_e
double x_act
double y_act
double gamma
double gamma_old
double u_est
double x_forma
double y_forma
float DesiredDepth
bool wpOrient
bool formation_mode
bool biased_formation_mode
float node_frequency
std::string path_folder

Public Functions Documentation

function ConsolePathParserNode

    ros::NodeHandle * nodehandle,
    ros::NodeHandle * nodehandle_private

Construct a new Console Path Parser Node object.


  • nodehandle
  • nodehandle_private
  • nodehandle the public ros nodehandle
  • nodehandle_private the private ros nodehandle

Console Path Parser node constructor.

function ~ConsolePathParserNode


Destroy the Console Path Parser Node object.

Console Path Parser node destructor.

function nodeFrequency

double nodeFrequency()

Method to setup the frequency of the node.

Return: double

Public Attributes Documentation

variable mission

std::list< Section > mission;

variable formation

std::list< Formation > formation;

variable act_section

std::list< Section >::iterator act_section;

variable section_copy

farol_msgs::Section section_copy;

variable depth_end

ros::Time depth_end;

variable own_id

int own_id {0};

variable xrefpoint

double xrefpoint = 0;

variable yrefpoint

double yrefpoint = 0;

variable gamma_s

double gamma_s = 0;

variable gamma_e

double gamma_e = 0;

variable x_act

double x_act = 0;

variable y_act

double y_act = 0;

variable gamma

double gamma = 0;

variable gamma_old

double gamma_old = 0;

variable u_est

double u_est = 0;

variable x_forma

double x_forma = 0;

variable y_forma

double y_forma = 0;

variable DesiredDepth

float DesiredDepth = 0.0;

variable wpOrient

bool wpOrient;

variable ENABLE

bool ENABLE = false;

variable formation_mode

bool formation_mode = false;

variable biased_formation_mode

bool biased_formation_mode = false;

variable node_frequency

float node_frequency;

variable path_folder

std::string path_folder;

Updated on 2024-03-07 at 10:30:51 +0000

Last update: March 7, 2024